Thursday, April 26, 2012

Power of Prayer

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much James 5:16(B)

   I am taking an excerpt of a sermon that I will be preaching in a couple of weeks, dealing with the Power of Prayer. Prayer is the heart beat of a christian.  The more you pray the more your spiritual relationship with God flows.  Prayer is a fundamental pillar in Christianity.  It is the form that God has chosen to be the highway of communication between us and Him.


Prayer has the ability to heal the sick, cast out demons and to give victory over your enemies.
God through prayer can open eyes, heal wounds of sorrow and grant wisdom.
Prayer is meant to be the steering wheel in our life to guide us every where we go. However most of us use prayer as the spare tire.  Meaning we only use prayer when we get a flat.

  The above scripture (James 5:16) reminds me of Hannah in 1 Samuel Ch.1 In these times it was terrible for a woman to be barren or have no kids. This was viewed as a type of curse.  She was married to man whom had another wife.  This woman had no issues with having offspring.  However Hannah grieved over this situation waited for her husband to go to Shiloh for the yearly sacrifice, and after dinner went to pray at the alter.

  The Bible says she was so deep in prayer that she wept heavily and though her lips was moving no words was coming out. She was in a deep fervent prayer. Asking God to give her a son, whom she would dedicate back to the Lord.

  Because of her prayer God allowed her to bring the prophet Samuel into the world.  This child would anoint the first king of Israel Saul, and also King David.  Her prayer not only effected her life but many others.  Let us not use prayer as a spare tire but allow God to guide us with it in our every day Life.

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