Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Brick Wall

Concerning the people in the Macedonian city of Berea, Luke's very refreshing evaluation of them:
 "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. Therefore many of them believed; also of honorable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few."
(Acts 17:11-12)

I wanted to share with you  an experience I had this week in  discussing the bible. Sometimes this can be very rewarding but sometimes it can be a dangerous thing.  This past week I had a discussion with 2 different men on a heated topic in Christianity. Though I do not want to share the contents of the discussion here as it may lead to a debate, I am sure you can relate to the issue as it delt with Women and their roles in Ministry.

In this discussion I  talked separately to each one about the same topic. I asked what was their view and could you show me support of it. After each one discussed with me their side, I brought a few verses in  to see if they have considered these in light of what they believe.

The 1st man  said "your not going to convert me, that's how I believe, and that's the bottom line". He got upset quickly. I was actually shocked at his response and his actions. What I showed him was just a verse out of the bible.  My whole point to him was not to try and convert him but as I did explain to him, I am looking at both sides of the coin in my own study.

However for him he felt threatened because it challenged his belief.  So he threw up the brick wall and changed the subject. I was at a loss how quick this went down hill. What started out a very nice discussion grew cold quickly with me getting lectured for a few minutes. I understand there are many mixed views and feelings on this subject and I just wanted to discuss both sides nothing more.

The second man, who is a friend and a preacher, he like the first man had very similar beliefs on the subject. He did attempt to discuss the verse that I brought to his attention, his response to the verse took the verse out of context and placed an implied meaning on it that wasn't there.

This caused us to discuss further and dig into the bible.  However in the end the door was slammed on me and he looked at me like a heretic. I hit another brick wall.  I did not offend them, but both of these men had a line of discussion they would not cross or entertain.

I feel this is an issue that we must deal with. If people are going to close up and block people off because they disagree on  certain topics or dont want to discuss the flip side how can you grow?  Most of my bible knowledge is due to the fact when I prayed to God for wisdom and knowledge, He didn't send me to school,  He sent me into discussions.  In these discussions I was forced to do my own in depth studies,even going back to the Greek and Hebrew in some situations.

I have actually been told by a person he did not want to discuss anything with me cause i had no degree in Greek Theology, even though I studied up on the subject and the words and sentences in question.  "The World Wide Web makes research easy and interesting".

 I would study both sides of the coin, why do you view it this way, why is it interpreted this way, does this always apply to every situation, does this stand alone in the bible, are there more instances in the bible, is this found in the original Greek and is it correctly interpreted.

I understand that there is some doctrines that we should not budge on, however  sometimes we should speak with people who disagree with you on that type of doctrine. It could be that God is sending them your way to show them something that they may have never thought of even if it feels repetitive.

These men are close friends and still are, but we should never want to stop trying to progress our wisdom.  My intention was to discuss the specific topic with them and share ideas on it, enlight of what scripture says. I was not seeking a right or wrong answer from them, but both men drew a line and just would not cross it.  I was not for sure if it was because of their denominational teachings or if it was because of their own studies.

I believe Luke said it best, in Acts 17 "in that  we should  received the word with all readiness of mind, and search the scriptures daily, whether those things are so."  My friends dont close the door let us be as the Bereans!!

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