Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Substance Of Things Hoped For.

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. - KJV

  People live everyday by a measure of faith even if they truly do not realize it. Since Faith is the things we hope for I'm sure everyone of us have hopes and dreams. Even if we don't agree on theology or even if you don't believe there is a God, we all have hopes for our children and our personal lives.

  I'm sure we can reach common ground in that we all have hopes that are kids will be healthy and one day will make something of themselves.  I'm sure we all have hopes that one day we will get all these bills paid off and that we can get to a simplicity of life and not worry about financial strain.

  That is (Faith). Its what We hope for!  Some one saying don't get your hopes up is basically saying don't put your faith into it.  Regardless if your religious or not, we all have hopes. These hopes are faith driven, because it is what one day we want to see happen.

  I know I have seen much criticism for my faith, and much of that comes about  from other  people who claim to be a christian but are in fact hypocrites that like to throw judgment at people they see. It seems to me that some of these so- called Christians sorta relish the thought of people burning in a everlasting fire...   In discussion boards and forums i have seen the line, " O you just wait buddy your gonna get it in the end, and burn in hell"

  Man that is so heart breaking, these people who are so-called Christians don't realize that everyone is a sinner. The only thing that separates me from them is that i place my hopes in Christ. I dont want no one to go to such a place. The Bible states that God wants all people to come to repentance. It is my hope that all people some day do.  Yes i know we are not perfect but it seems like people are more interested in casting judgment than showing the Love of God through them.

  If I may, I would like to share some of my Hopes with you. Yes they are religious, but I think you would agree with where I am wanting to go. I hope for a world one day, where they will be no war, there will be no hatred, no greed, no sickness, no murder, a world united in unity out of love. A place where if some one is struggling all those close by wont think a second to lend a hand. A place were i wont have to worry if i left my door unlocked when i leave my home, cause no one will covet what i have.

 I am wanting a world where the Bible describes as a Utopia.  Where the Kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of Our Lord and His Christ, and there is truly peace. A place of tranquility and prosperous lives to which is no end.

 You may disagree with me about  beliefs and such, and yes you may think I'm a dreamer, but as John Lennon said in that  song (Imagine)  "I'm not the only One".   Who wouldn't want such a world?  Now I don't agree with what John Lennon believed or everything in that specific song, but I do want a world that is One, and this is One under God. This is the true Hope of many of those in Christianity.

Since I shared some of my hopes with you, would you be willing to share some of your hopes with me. Though I ask please no swearing or cursing I do want to keep this civilized.   God Bless

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