Thursday, March 29, 2012

In the Beginning

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  -NIV

The above picture represents a growing issue for modern day children in our school systems that believe in God.  I can remember studying evolution and how man came from ape over a series of millions of years, this is also reffered to as Darwinism.

Charles Darwin (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) was an English naturalist.[I] He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors,[1] and proposed the scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection.[2]   (wikipedia)

The majority of scientist to this day still believe in the evolution hypothesis. I wont call it a theory cause as time goes on more scientist are starting to challange these hypothetical so-called facts.

In a survey done by Brian Alters shown that a study surveyed over 1200 college freshman, and found that large percentages of students who reject evolution stated scientific reasons for holding their views. 

(Basically it was evolution versus science)

Alters claims that all their scientific reasons are wrong, and another educator simply believed that students' views could be corrected by telling them what to think, i.e., if "misconceptions are countered with specific evidence."

While some of their reasons may be questionable, some of them are on the right track--i.e., students rejected evolution due to insufficiencies of the mechanism of random mutations or the statistical impossibility of the origin of life. As the study stated, "nearly 40 percent of those skeptical of evolution believe the chance origin of life to be a statistical impossibility"!

We still have many who believe in this evolution tree, however many questions have been brought up that this evolution can not explain.

This is a link to some of the problems that face the current hypothesis of  Darwinism.

If it has been proven, (which many believe that there is sufficient proof )  to counter Darwins Theory, why is it still being taught in schools today?

I for one Believe  what Genesis 1:1 stated, and i do not believe we evolved over time from a single celled bacteria that one day became a fish, who then grew legs and walked on land etc. etc.

Though i do like science, and science tries to give us a logical answer to explain things, this doesnt mean that science is always right.

This Bloggers preference is creationism over darwinism.

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