Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Getting to the place where God wants you.

Jonah 1:17
But the LORD provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish three days and three nights. -NIV
(This was taken from a unkown diver who took the picture. I would love to give him the credit he deserves for it.)

Jonah was sent to warn Nineveh of God's coming wrath if they didn't repent. However instead of being a fisher of men he chose to flee and run from God. In a series of events the LORD sent a fish to catch the man instead!!

 I found myself hitting some deep theology when i gazed at this picture.

   First  I wondered what was on the mind of the diver who lookes like he is going to be fish food. Then secondly it reminded me of Jonah. Very seriously he tried to run from God. He did not want to go to the place that God wanted him to be.  This brought back memories of my own time of  running away from God, trying to hide in the world.  I had fell in love with sin and was persuing my own self centered wants and desires. 

  However God chased me. HE wanted me to get back to the place that HE desired for me to be in the beginning.  Its obvious Jonah didnt like or enjoy his trip back to land, and at the same token its not easy for us to let go of many worldly pleasures. The trip is a hard road. I can however look back at these rough waters, and especially this giant whale shark and appreciate what God has done in my life.

 Getting back to a relationship with my Creator and being apart of His eternal plan versus life on the run that truely was living in agony.    Im glad and thankful HE sent such a fish in my life.
In the end Jonah gave up  running away from God. He had grown tired and was fighting sorrow from the sailors lives that was threatened from the storm. At some point we need to realize the same and that is, what does it take for us to stop running from God?
 God can get you where you need to be!!

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