Friday, March 15, 2013

Whats the Point?

 Romans 8:28 (KJV)

28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

  Whats the point!! That's a huge question for some people. Especially for some who have been struggling in their walk trying to be a christian.  Why is there a struggle? Why do we face the hardships we do?  Do you even care what I am going through Lord!!

  No doubt at some point in time everyone of us go through storms in life. Not just the saints but the sinners as well. There is a type of false teaching that has been preached to much, stating that when you come to Christ, your life will be filled with blessings, rainbows, financial increases, and the flood gates of heaven will pour out Gods riches upon you. 

While I do agree there is tremendous blessings in being a saint of God, and I also agree that heavens gates open up and the Lord richly blesses his people, the problem is some preachers are trying to paint a illusion that once your saved everything will be O.K. and that is just a plain lie.

    Many people are coming into Christianity really not with the intent of knowing who Jesus is, but they come in under this false banner of prosperity type preaching where  the preacher has declared that nothing is going to happen to them. The sad part is many people buy into this because life is hard, we live in hard times and everyone of us have struggled at some point in time and want a better outcome for ourselves and our family.

  The truth is the Lord said that He wouldn't give more than we could handle, or he would provide a door of escape for us.  He also said that your going to have trouble in this world. 

  What i want you to understand is this. There is some times we will find ourselves back in captivity, back in bad situations, but the Lord doesn't leave us there. David didn't get lifted out of the valley of shadow and death, he had to walk through it. God walks with us as well. While we might find ourselves living in Lodi-bar ( a place of No pasture) from time to time. Be patient learn to wait upon God. He will send a Chariot to bring you home.

   It was not pleasant when Israel was carried off into captivity, I am sure they saw no good in it, but God did not leave them there to die. 70 years later he brought them out and they once again praised God in the Holy city.

All these trials and tribulations that we face, makes us who we are today, and God loves who you are. So much He sent His Son to die a miserable death to redeem you. Praise the Lord.