Thursday, August 2, 2012

Whats Wisdom?

Proverbs 9:10 

10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding

 I have been on a absent of late with my blogs I apologize.  Sometimes life gets to busy and we get caught up with other things, or something else draws our attention and focus away. This reminds me of Paul.

In Romans Ch. 7 we find Paul with daily struggles. Struggling to do the things he knows he should do and not do the things he knows he should not do. This is with every believer. However out of these struggles something is born inside of us. "WISDOM". 

 I learn from my mistakes, tho it doesn't mean I have mastered the correct response to ever error or mistake I have made.  Its these same experiences that have shaped me into who I am today.  These mistakes have helped me make better and wiser decisions for my present and future, based on past experiences.

 Wisdom is a beautiful thing, True wisdom starts with this verse stated above. Fear and knowledge of God.  This along with life experiences grows our wisdom. With out the knowledge of God and the sacrifice of His Son mans wisdom fails. This true knowledge however  gives birth to such a great wisdom that it leads to eternal Life.

 I have been growing in wisdom in these past few months. I have started seeing more of  a Focus in my ministry and for my family. While I'm not declaring perfection, I have made my self more available to God and thus he has used me to do His will. He has revealed to me more and more of the direction he wants me to go.

Like Noah in his day, God gave him a task. Build the Ark.  But one thing we don't read in depth is Noah preparing himself mentally for such a task and dealing with the destruction of mankind.

 Any Ministry that God gives to any person is no different. We must ready ourselves, and God also readies us by allowing us to go through different situation, cause its through these situations that we can use the wisdom and knowledge that was gained to over come the same situation and not only that but to help guide others who are experiencing the same thing.

 The saying goes " I have been in those shoes! I know how you feel"  That is wisdom, but this wisdom is all for nothing unless we get back to the principal of what wisdom truly is, and that is Fearing God and understanding the Holy One.  

Worldly wisdom can be a great thing, but the knowledge of God is pure wisdom,  more pure than and piece of silver and Gold.

Proverbs 10:21
The lips of the righteous feed many: but fools die for lack of wisdom.